Mortar Screed System

Screeds can be differentiated according to the type of binder used, installation method, construction or use.
Binders are the main component of a screed. Other starting materials are aggregate, addition water, additives and admixtures.
Screeds can differentiated into construction screed and flooring screed.
Construction screed consisting of a screed mortar mixed on site or produced by using mortar (dry mortar or fresh mortar)
Flooring screed which due to its very soft consistency can be self-leveling by adding a plasticizer and without any significant distribution and compression installed
Prefabricated screed: Screed made of industrially prefabricated plate-shaped components.
This originally industrial floor is laid according to traditional methods. It looks tough and strong and is very maintenance-friendly. The mortar or trowel floor consists of natural to gray-colored sand mixed with epoxy resin.
The floor is very easy to clean thanks to the closed finish with anti-slip layer. It is the ideal solution for spaces where high demands are placed on load capacity and humidity such as industrial kitchens, laboratories, retail spaces, production areas, shower rooms, etc.